Press & Media

Time2Market’s team is always open to working with journalists around the world to share insightful and motivating stories. If you are a member of the media and would like to talk, please get in touch with our Communications department by sending an email to

Please note that only media inquiries will receive a response. If you are a client or are interested with Time2Market’s services, please use our Contact page or book a meeting here.

Partnership proposals will be forwarded to the appropriate team.

Shortly about Time2Market

Time2Market is an international market management service provider in the wholesale energy industry based in Denmark. We allow our clients to outsource market entry efforts and utilize resources so they can focus on what they do best – trading power and gas. You can read more about Time2Market’s history and team on our About page.  

Time2Market has a plethora of commercial and operational partnerships, which are driven by our goal to provide the highest quality holistic services that empower our clients to conquer the international energy market. You can read about Time2Market’s public partnerships on our Partners page.

Find Time2Market online

Here you can find useful links to our online presence. You are welcome to link to these in your publications about Time2Market.

  • Time2Market’s Website
  • Time2Market’s LinkedIn Page
  • Eszter Pontenagel (Founder & CEO)’s LinkedIn Page
  • Paul Pontenagel (Managing Director)’s LinkedIn Page
  • Time2Market’s video content and podcast episodes can be found on our YouTube channel
  • Time2Market publishes a monthly newsletter. This is the registration form for our mailing list.
  • Time2Market’s team publishes regular energy trading and market access content on our Blog.

If you are looking for a link that hasn’t been mentioned, please get in touch with us at and let us know.

Press Time2Market has been featured in

We at Time2Market are extremely proud of the media collaborations we have been featured in, which is why we feature them for your convenience below.

Contact if you would like to feature your article in this section free of charge. Please note that Time2Market ApS reserves the right to deny your feature request, as well as remove featured press, at our discretion.

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